Infomercials for the Sokoliny Fort (the falcon's fort) residential compound Савельева Татьяна

Interactive projects
Sokoliny Fort (the falcon's fort) residential compound


The customer set us a task to make a creative and memorable commercial about their Sokoliny Fort residential compound. After giving us complete freedom of action and before leaving our office leisurely he (hereinafter Mr. Z) asked to highlight the main feature of this house - architecture of a fairy-tale house.

Ideas and solutions

As we all live in a f...antastic fairy tale, we immediately created a slogan: “Live in a fairy-tale!”. And as a result our script was based on it. So, after that we as real professionals in our field got some crisps and watched absolutely every Disney cartoon. And then the pattern was obvious! Imagine that you are coming back to your luxurious residential compound (as Mr. Z requested us to write) after a hard day and meet your neighbor Aladdin parking a carpet in the parking lot. “No ...”, you think, “I'm just worn out!” But immediately after that notice a very long Rapunzel's braid in the yard, there will be Malificent waiting for you in an elevator. Have you imagined? If not, we've made a video with a specially trained person who did it for you. It's not that we're going to show off, but we have to: the video's already got 100 thousand views on YouTube, and more than 2000 people went to a website of the house.