YouTube show "Go Big Or Go Home" Савельева Татьяна

Special Projects
Donstroy Development


We definitely know our own worth, and we’ve got some major customers time and again, such as “Donstroy” that has both finished property and buildings under construction in their portfolio. We had a challenging task: to make videos that’ll tell about their finished property and buildings under construction not in a boring way. Yeah, that’s right, NOT in a boring way.

Ideas and solutions

As we are real professionals, we watched the whole YouTube in a couple of hours and found only monotonous videos with stony faces of managers who are telling about advantages of houses in such a boring way that you want to buy an apartment, but on another planet, just not to see it again. What have we done? For the special project Go Big Or Go Home, which is YouTube series, we hired good-looking, witty, but absolutely ordinary presenters and gave one of them an opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of living in luxurious finished property with expensive cars and breathtaking views during one day. And the second one was provided with a construction helmet and a pass to the construction site where the only expensive cars are a few loaders and a crane, and the most breathtaking is a view of the goulash in the builders' canteen. So as presenters not to kill each other for the opportunity to be multimillionaires (it seems like only that kind of people can afford an apartment in Moscow), our guys flip coin and it decides their fate. Brilliant, right? Link to all episodes: