Chetverg Куриленко Анастасия

Branding and Communication Design
Fish shop


To use in the development of the logo a combination of known symbols-images but with individuality and memorization.

Ideas and solutions

First of all I compiled a list and collected various pictures which I found necessary and interesting for the task solution. Further the process of generating ideas and creating a concept began. The idea to create a logo by combining two signs (a scoop for fish soup + fish) took some time. It was long, logical work. When the sign began to loom which we see now, something was still missing. Adding four small elements symbolizing the steam from a soup or bubbles from a fish gave the charm and completeness to the logo. Special icons have been developed to simplify and improve the perception in the product catalog. Some icons were created by merging two signs. Here is one example the most vivid and memorable. The merging of smokehouse sign and a fish made it possible to create a new, previously unused but very understandable icon for smoked fish. Such an icon will be used on containers and packaging paper of the selling product.