Museummania in CDM SETTERS

Websites Design
Central Children’s Shop (CDM) on Lubyanka, Moscow


Museummania is a comprehensive educational project, which saw the Central Children’s Shop (CDM) join forces with nine notable museums in Moscow. Each of the nine museums customized one of CDM’s legendary showcases as it saw fit – one presents the history of space exploration, another - time travel, and another yet showed impressionist paintings. QR-codes placed on the showcases take the visitor to the CDM’s website, where we listed fun facts about the museums and details on the installations.

Ideas and solutions

When we started creating the website, showcases were not ready yet and we only had schematic sketches. The installations only gained their finishing looks during the editing phase, when the website should’ve been running already. This is why we had to abandon the idea of adding complex animation with decorative elements. We developed the website and its logic, and added galleries of photos of the finished showcases, as everything received the final look. Designs of each museum were different, so we picked out a neutral style for the website, but also used the project’s common key visuals. As a result, we have created a multi-page interactive website, where visitors can acquaint themselves with each museum, learn some fun facts and study important dates. One could access it through several mediums: CDM’s press release, articles about the campaign on third party resources and media, as well as QR-codes on the showcases.