Leor Consult SETTERS

Websites Design
Leor Consult
Leor Consult — integrator of CRM and BPM systems


Develop a website, which will not only provide information on services, but also convert views into impressions.

Ideas and solutions

Normally, when tasked with meeting these goals, developers design the website in a tidy, but ultimately bland manner: bright colors, standard info blocks, stock photos of smiling people holding laptops. This approach is easy to do and doesn’t demand much time, but it rarely helps the client to stand out and convey its advantages to the audience. Most developers and integrators try to fit as much technical information as possible on websites. This makes the website seem heavy and hard to process. The user simply looks for the description of stages of work, the options for its realization and the portfolio. That is the order, in which we organized the blocks on the website. We provided a simple and transparent description of the cases, so that every client can see how much money CRM can earn them or help them save. We got rid of all complicated technical information