Raiffeisenbank X Metallica Rustam Mirzakhmedov

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns

This work
in other



As far as you may know, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks for promoting goods, services - or special events. And we create AR-effects on its platform - they spread instantly and effectively there. By using this relatively new technologies we try to start a productive dialogue between the greatest brand names and users - in an interactive way

Ideas and solutions

AR-effect we created for Raiffeisen Bank is connected to recently occured in Moscow musical performance of the famous rock band Metallica. The bank started a contest for the most creative videos with the effect; the prize was tickets for the concert. It looks like an animated guitar of famous James Alan Hetfield, which “clings” itself on any object and makes it alive - with the help of hands which play on it. We designed the instrument using brand colours of Raiffeisen and referencing shape of its logotype with the fretboard. The guitar orientates itself relative to the flat horizontal surface before the phone camera. The instrument can be scaled up, moved, rotated, so it’s easy and interesting to interact with. And that’s why Raiffeisen succeed to raise the level of communication with its clients and attract new ones Overall reach - 90k users, 900 - overall captures with effect