Arla Natura. True cheese Deasign Russia

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns

This work
in other



to increase the share of the presence of Arla Natura brand in the Moscow market: - to increase knowledge of the brand in Moscow - to create brand loyalty - convert knowledge and loyalty into a purchase

Ideas and solutions

We knew that our target audience is different from the traditional TV audience. They watch bloggers, YouTube, online cinemas, Instagram. "As usual" with them will not work. A typical russian cheese ad with classic images of happy families, satisfied cows and grandmothers will not attract their attention, they just won't recognize themselves in it. It was necessary to create not just advertising, but interesting content for them. We decided to do something unusual for the category: to talk about the benefits of cheese through the humor, so that the commercials will be remembered and will surprised the audience. This is how the idea of ​​cheese that speaks for itself appeared, the idea of a self-confident hero who knows the value of himself and his words. Like ... James Bond in the world of products. For maximum reach of the target audience online videos were selected as the key tool of the digital campaign. In order to find those for whom the quality of the product is really important, we not only set up targeting characteristics by geography and social demographics, but also tested targeting according to the interests and behavior of users. The most affinitive channels and formats for our consumers were chosen for promotion: programmatic prerolls on online cinema sites, prerolls on Youtube, video posts on Instagram, banner ads on the Yandex advertising network. The key tool of the first flight of the campaign, aimed to increase brand awareness was a series of three videos. In each video we tell about one advantage of Arla Natura cheese: high calcium content, no dyes, and the fact that it is real cheese, not a cheese product. Videos are created on the interaction of different products with Arla Natura cheese. They are trying to pitch him, but from all situations Arla Natura comes out with dignity and with pride, like ... James Bond.