BEST-Новострой Вячеслав Гавриленков
Эта работа
в других
UX, UI & Journey Design
Задача проекта
Старый сайт выглядел старомодным, морально устаревшим и загружался очень медленно. Посетители сайта долго искали необходимую информацию и был большой показатель отказов. Заказчику нужны были продажи с сайта так как появилось много конкурентов с хорошими сайтами.
Идеи и решения
- Developed a modern design that focuses customers on the specifics of the company. - Developed a universal architecture of the database of real estate objects. - Implemented filter selection of real estate by the specified parameters with the ability to view filtered objects on the Yandex map. - An adaptive mobile version has been created that is not inferior in functionality and comfort to a full-sized older brother. - Introduced easy navigation through the site, intuitive users. - Created object cards with a detailed rubricator and thematic sections, which greatly facilitates the search on the site. - Implemented an aggregator for marketers, developers and investors, allowing you to save resources on routine actions to collect and update information on market analysis of new buildings. - Built-in calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of repairing the acquired property and immediately submit an application to perform finishing work. After the redesign, “BEST-Novostroy” received an excellent functional website, tailored for the sale of real estate and related services. Simple and convenient resource, with an elaborate navigation system and an internal management system that is understandable to all employees